Privacy Policy

Authorized use of customers property:
CP@SS staff and authorized sub-contractors are authorized to use computers owned by customers to the degree that such use contributes to the tasks authorized by the customers or are required to troubleshoot, examine, repair or test a computer system or other device capable of storing private or confidential data, or contributes to preventative maintenance on the computer or device. CP@SS takes no responsibility for the failure of any hardware not purchased or currently under warranty from CP@SS even if it fails while in our possession, and no responsibility for any files that might be stored on any hardware.

CP@SS policy on customer data:
By leaving a computer system or other digital device with CP@SS staff and authorized sub-contractors, the customer gives implied consent and unlimited access to all data, private or otherwise, stored on the computer system.

CP@SS staff are required to treat all customers personal information stored on computer hard drives, CDs, DVDs memory sticks, flash cards or any digital format as confidential and are prohibited from viewing, copying, discussing or distributing such data except as needed to protect data from deletion or damage, troubleshoot, examine, repair or test a device capable of storing such data or as required by state and federal law.

CP@SS will act with due diligence to protect the confidentiality of any data left in its possession, but will accept no liability for the loss or theft of such data.

Tips for protecting sensitive data:
Customers who routinely store sensitive data on their computers or other digital devices, and are worried about who might have access to this data are advised to do the following:

1. If possible, request onsite service. This way you can work one on one with the tech who is working to solve your issues, and you can control what they see and don't see.

2. If possible, transfer all sensitive data to another device before dropping system off for service.

3. Many programs, such as Microsoft Word, have the ability to PASSWORD PROTECT sensitive files. Learn to use these features. There are also programs available that password protect picture and music files and directories. CAUTION- In the event of a hard drive crash, File Encryption can make data recovery more difficult- so always backup multiple copies of important files to separate computers or devices on a regular basis.

4. Request and read the privacy policies of any service provider you are considering hiring, such as CP@SS, and make sure you understand them and that they offer adequate protection for your situation.

5. If you have sensitive or private data on your computer or other special privacy needs, consider notifying the service tech or company IN WRITING about how you would like your data handled, or request to be notified by telephone if anyone needs to view or copy certain files. Be as specific as you can about what files you are worried about.

6. Find a computer support technician or company you can trust and stick with them. Remember, the vast majority of retail computer repair and support people are honest professionals who respect your privacy and act diligently to protect it. Stick with them like you would a trusted doctor or mechanic.


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